
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Growth to be fast

     Just like you or may be me, attitude of person that doing something in their life like a normally . He or she usually doing activity base on normally procedure. It is not bad but sometimes in too long will be a habit. 
     In globally decade each person be charged to play a maximum role in their activity. This is make every person  adjust their life in that situation. To be the personal change is must. So don't be late to change, cause you will lose your dream in the future.
     The easy way to change grow every day. For example like this :
  • Increase your knowledge.
  • Increase your skill.
  • Increase your attitude.
  • etc  
 If you practice that every day you will get growth to be fast.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Keputusan memang perlu mengakomodir semua kepentingan agar mampu merekat friksi yang berkemungkinan akan terjadi di kemudian hari. Namun tentu saja untuk mencapai hal tersebut diatas merupakan suatu kondisi ideal yang jarang ditemui pada setiap mufakat. Berdasarkan fakta diatas sudah sepantasnya bagi setiap diri pengambil keputusan untuk mencari keputusan yang mendekati keputusan ideal.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Merasakan kepahitan orang lain disaat kelapangan diri sendiri adalah berkah yang tidak semua orang dapatkan. Perjuangan manusia untuk bangkit menuju kelapangan patut diapresiasi dan disokong oleh semua diri. Sudah sepantasnyalah perjuangan tersebut akan menjumpai halangan dan rintangan. Namun jangan lupa agar perjuangan tersebut bermakna dilandasi dengan keluasan ilmu dan kebersihan jiwa.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

take a breath

A lot of activity that we done in every day. Some time make us tired. e few of minute we must take a breath to get the fresh air to our body. it can make us feel free from that activity.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Start from one dot

Yes, The titel from this paragraph tell us about our first activity. Each activity start from the simple step. Dont, think a big plan to create our activity but use the simple plan that show strategy to reach the goal/aim. If we try it to our life, we will be amazing some day we can get the succes in our activity. We have write a line of sucses from A billion dot of simple plan.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clean Environment

Sometime, many of people throw rubbish everywhere and make the environment will be dirty. The dirty environment cause bacteria and virus grow up. If people have less healthy so they can infected by bacteria or virus. People will get the sick. So let's prevent our Environment to be clean. Clean environment make people healthy.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Saat ini Republik kita dihadapkan pada persoalan yang semakin mendesak untuk diselesaikan oleh kejernihan pandangan  setiap pemangku kepentingan. Kejernihan tadi dapat mengurai karut marut persoalan yang terjadi pada negara kita yang tercinta ini. Yah......disinilah peran dari pemangku kepentingan yang bersifat negarawan.